August Amendments to Labor Legislation in Post-Pandemics Times
June Support for companies in difficult times
May Intelligence services and justice. Brief look at recent developments and effects
January The insolvency procedures are shattered by the fiscal authorities
November Tax evasion cases require multidisciplinary legal and tax approach
Octomber The Conformity With The Union`s Legal Framework of a Nation Law Concerning the Setting of Fixed the Prices for the Sale by Pharmacies of Prescription-Only Medicinal Products for Human Use
November Taxation in Romania: Managing The Post-Tax Audit State of Affairs
September Impact of the New Regulation on Data Protection
March Franchising in Romania: New Opportunities in a Growth Market
May Building Highways In Romania:Current Problems And Possible Solutions
January Recycle, Reduce and Re-use of Electric and Electronic Waste
July New Zoning Rules for Construction – 2013
July Renewable Energy: Romania and Legislative Instability
May Late Payment: What to do?
January The Romanian Wind Energy Market – A Profitable Business in Times of Crisis
June Romania’s Plot to Steal Titan-Nadrag-Calan – Part II
May The Theft of Titan
April Romania Contemplates Seizure of 85% of Restitution Property Rights
March Trusts Under Romania’s New Civil Code - Fiducia -
February Amendments to the Romanian Public Procurement Law in the Context of Changing European Legal Provisions
January Arbitration in Romania
November Romania’s New Civil Code – Overview Part I – The Land Book Regime
October Doing Business in Romania – An Up-to-date Mini-Guide
Jun-Sept New Zoning Rules for Construction
May Flexibility and Transparency in the New Labor Code
April Oppression of Private Minority Shareholders in State -Owned Companies
March The Competition Council’s Recent Impact on Business
February Implementing Projects Having an Environmental Impact
January Romanian Legislative Summary for 2010
December The Rape Of Romgaz
November European Court Slams Romanian Restitution Procedures
Curtea Europeana a Drepturilor Omului sanctioneaza Romania
October Romania Offers Piddling Compensation to Former Political Prisoners
September New Amendments to The Competition Law In A Troubled Economy
July-August EU Funding – An Alternative Source of Financing in Romania
June New Developments in European Antitrust Law Affecting Romania
Dezvoltari recente in legislatia europeana in materia concurentei, ce afecteaza Romania
May When Will the Property Fund Finally Be Listed?
Cand va fi listat, in cele din urma, Fondul Proprietatea?
April Restructuring Credit Agreements in Romania
Restructurarea contractele de credit in Romania
March The European Commission’s Directive on Alternative Investment Fund Managers - The Controversy Continues
February Witness to History: The Romanian-American Chamber of Commerce™
Martor al istoriei: Camera de Comert Romano-Americana: 1990-2010
January Establishing a US ADR Program for Romanian Listed Companies
Stabilirea Programelor ADR in SUA pentru companii listate la bursa
December Twenty Years Later
Dupa 20 de Ani
November Leniency for Cooperative Anti-Competitive Offenders
October Romanian State Aid in A Time of Crisis
Ajutorul de Stat in Vremuri de Criza in Romania
September Joint Ventures under Romanian Law
Asocierea in participatiune in Romania
August Romania’s E-Commerce Laws
Legislatia din Romania in domeniul comertului electronic
July Collective Employee Dismissals
Procedura Concedierii Colective
June What In Heaven’s Name is Happening with Fondul Proprietatea?
Ce se mai întâmpla cu Fondul Proprietatea?
May Expedited Debt Recovery under Romanian Law
Proceduri de recuperare a creantelor potrivit legislatiei romane
April Romanian Public Procurement Law Amended
Ultimele modificari la legea achizitiilor publice
March Restitution’s Endless Uncertainty
Procesul de restituire in Romania – o incertitudine perpetua
February The Process to Establish Wind Farms & Hydro Power Plants in Romania...
Etapele privind infiintarea centralelor eoliene si a hidrocentralelor in Romania
January Changes to Romanian Consumer Credit Requirements
Modificari aduse cerintelor creditelor de consum
December New Incentives to Invest in Renewable Energy
Noi facilitati pentru investitiile in domeniul energiei regenerabile
November Creating Renewable Energy in Romania
Utilizarea surselor regenerabile de energie in Romania
October Developing Romania’s Workforce
Dezvoltarea fortei de munca romanesti
September Romania’s Targeted and Non-Discriminatory Investment Law
Noua Lege Privind Stimularea Investitiilor din Romania
August Preserving Romania’s Forests
Cadrul juridic privind protectia padurilor din Romania
July Restitution Reversal
Revenire asupra procesului de restituire
June Cross-Border Mergers and European Company Rules Codified
Reglementarea Fuziunii Transfrontaliere si a Societatii Europene
May Hamburgers, Pizza, Donuts & Coffee: Franchising in Romania
Franciza in Romania
April Employment Forever: Living with Romania’s Labor Law
Relatia angajator-angajat - dispozitii legislative in materia dreptului muncii
March Property Fund Plods Towards Listing
Fondul Proprietatea in drumul spre listare
February Protecting Romania’s Consumer
Protectia consumatorilor in Romania
January Romanian Trademark Protection within the European Union Framework
Protectia marcii in Romania, ulterior integrarii in Uniunea Europeana
December Expediting Debt Recovery In Commercial Transactions
November Exclusivity Clauses in Romanian Law
October Dracula In The Crossfire
September Mortgage Bonds and Other Asset-Backed Securities Provide New Investor Opportunities in Romania
August Romania’s € 4 Billion Property Fund Inches Closer to Fruition
July Romania’s New Concession Procedure
June After EU Accession: Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Romania
May Merger Notifications: The European Commisison Versus Romania’s Competition Authority
April Romanian Company Law Amended
Legea Societatilor Comerciale din Romania - Modificata
March Intellectual Property Protections in Romania
Protejarea proprietatii intelectuale in Romania
February Covering Price Risk in International Trade Agreements
Acoperirea riscului de pret in contractele comerciale internationale
January Great Expectations: Romania Enters the European Union
Marile sperante: Romania intra in Uniunea Europeana
December Who Profits from the Property Fund Listing Delay ?
Cine profita de întârzierea listarii la bursa a Fondului Proprietatea
November Securing Property in Romania
October Equipment Leasing in Romania
Leasingul de echipamente in Romania
September Muddled Amity - Improving the Moldovan-Romanian Relationship
August New Insolvency Law May Improve Debt Recovery
July Romania’s New Public Procurement Law
Noua lege a achizitiilor publice a Romaniei
June Taking Your Case to the International Centre for Dispute Resolution
Inregistrand cazul la Centrul International pentru Rezolvarea Disputelor
May Russia’s Activities in Moldova Violate International Law
Activitatile Rusiei in Republica Moldova violeaza legea internationala
April The Property Fund Revisited
Fondul Proprietatea Revizuit
March Company Law Modifications on the Horizon
Modificarile legii societatilor comerciale la orizont
February Romanian Land Use 101
Notiuni primare pentru folosirea pamantului in Romania
January The Continued Overhaul of Romania’s Public Procurement System
Modernizarea continua a sistemului de achizitii publice in Romania
December The Property Fund – An About Face or Another Slap in the Face?
Fondul Proprietatea – O schimbare radicala sau o noua palma data fostilor proprietari?
November Corruption and EU Accession on a Collision Course: The Greed of a Few Delaying...?
Coruptia si integrarea europeana la rascruce: Lacomia unora sa poata intarzia visele...
October New Regulations to Affect Bank Lending to Individuals
Noile reglementari care afecteaza acordarea de credite persoanelor fizice
September Romania’s National Security Dilemma
Dilema securitatii nationale a Romaniei
August The Hubbub on Judicial Reform: Was Romania’s Constitutional Court Wrong?
Invalmaseala Reformelor Justitiei: A gresit Curtea Constitutionala?
July Righting the Wrongs of Communism: Restitution Law Modified
Rectificarea greselilor comunismului: Modificarea Legii Retrocedarii Imobilelor abuziv confiscate
June Competition Law and the Threat of Delayed EU Accession
Concurenta si amenintarea aderarii amanate la U.E.
May Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards
Recunoasterea si Executarea Hotararilor Arbitrale Straine
April The Romanian “Rough Rider”
Un Român Hotarat
March New European Directive to Improve Romanian Business-to-Consumer Practices
Noua Directiva a Uniunii Europene va determina ameliorarea protectiei consumatorilor din Romania..
February Consumer Credit Law
Legea creditului de consum
January Romania Adopts Flat Income Tax
Romania adopta Cota Unica de Impozitare
December Public-Private Partnership Agreements Revisited
Din nou despre contractele de parteneriat public-privat
November The Perils of Transdniestria
Pericolele din Transnistria
October Romania and the Holocaust: the Right Steps in the Right Direction
Romania si Holocaustul: Pasi necesari facuti in directia potrivita
September Capital Market Reform
August The Pursuit of an Independent Judiciary
July Amnesty
June Romania’s Real Estate Boom
May Enhancing Romania’s Competition Law
April Reforming Romania’s Bureaucracy
March Enforcement of Foreign Money Judgments in Romania
February Banking Law Harmonized With EC Legislation
January Romania’s New Tax Code
December The Crisis in the Romanian Judicial System
November New Constitutional Amendments Advance Democracy
October Product Liability Harmonized with EU
September Public-Private Partnerships in Romania
August Wrinkles to Investing in Romania
July State Priority Over Secured Collateral Enacted and Then Repealed
June Restitution Regulations Finally Arrive
May Banking Law 101 – For Foreign Investors
April Broadening Mortgage Availability in Romania
March Labor Lost
February Protection for Holders of Publicly-Traded Securities
January Dear Mr. President
December Securing Romania’s NATO Accession
November The Clash Between Romania’s New Privatization Laws and its Bilateral Investment Treaties
October New Privatization Laws Create Strange Bedfellows
September Post-Privatization Law’s Retroactive Effects on Prior Investments
August Meyer Testimony Before Helsinki Commission Sparks Hope
July Romania’s VAT Harmonized With EU
June Romania’s Minister of Defense Comments on Romania’s Bid for NATO Membership
May The Case For Romania's Accession To NATO
April Bilateral Investment Treaty Arbitration
March Debunking Romanian Myths
February Romania Asks RMDT How To Improve Restitution
January The Pretense of Restitution
December Dear Mr. Prime Minister
November New Occupational Safety Standards
October Privatization of Power Sector May Be Impeded By New Law
September A Plan To Stop Bank Failures
August Equal Treatment of Investors = Increased Foreign Investment
July Incorporation Made Easier - Government Tries Harder
June Another New Investment Law for Romania
May Securing E-Signatures
April Investment Incentives for Small and Medium Sized Companies
March Restitution: A Romanian Smecherie
February President Iliescu Seeks A New Beginning
January Dear Mr. President