The Criminal Law Department of RMDT managed to remove from the file tapped conversations which had been authorized by The High Court of Cassation and Justice by way of national security warrants

The Criminal Law Department of RMDT managed to remove from the file tapped conversations which had been authorized by The High Court of Cassation and Justice by way of national security warrants. As a conseqence, the Prosecution Body asked the case back and did not maintain the indictment. Departamentul de Drept Penal al RMDT a…

Serviciile de informatii si justitia

S-a discutat îndelung de fostele protocoale “strict secrete” semnate între Parchetul de pe lângă Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție și Serviciul Român de Informații, privind cooperarea dintre cele două instituții pentru îndeplinirea sarcinilor în domeniul securității naționale. Legile speciale care normau domeniul securității naționale specificau faptul că Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție putea…

Intelligence services and justice. Brief look at recent developments and effects

From different perspectives and interests, the matter of the former “strictly confidential” classified protocols concluded between the Prosecution Body attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the Romanian Intelligence Service, dated 2009 and 2016, regarding the cooperation between the two institutions in view of fulfilling the tasks in the national security domain,…